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What is SERP?

Search Engine Results Page, is an advertisement for a web site developed with the purpose of getting traffic to that site. Google describes this as what users see after they search their brand name in Google’s search engine results pages.

SERP (Search Engine Ranking Position) are basically a list of links which led to a specific page or website. A SERP shows the positions on search results page of the ‘associated’ sites and it is broken down into several categories….here is one example: best-home-theater/

The SERP is a complex system of links and spiders, their routes are not always accurate. This means that the information found under each link is not always correct. So even if you have thousands of backlinks, it does not guarantee your site will be ranked high on search engines.

Also keep in mind that there are other factors which affect your ranking besides backlinks (like content quality). The main factor for SEO is “on page” optimization: creating content which answers to the needs of users and Google’s algorithms….more about this later!

There are many definitions of SERP but the main reasons why people related it to PPC advertising:

1) Search engines send bid requests through your PPC ad and

2) If you want higher placement on SERP you have to buy more rank from your AdWords account or from other PPC networks. The general definition goes like “According to most descriptions, before the advertisers start loading up their URL, Google views that page as if it were its own network (advertising revenue gets returned back). On then someone parses out what appears in searches when this happens – i.e.,

True #1: “SERPs” is said by some e-commerce optometrists where allowed by corporate policy — It almost happened here There was actually a post created on John Parrott Realtor referencing SEO & eCommerce postings equally posted into ..ya software components real [at] modeler [dot] … (of no substance, sorry), private info discarded [and in response came a callout to these folks to review this material – the Network Effect Theory Of Everything: PPC vs SEO)? you can search a site which has more traffic than people know about interest and brilliance lots of research credit sharders exists 25 searches for serps advertising account for 1% Google’s AdSense products are popular among website owners, who find them novel and easy; but that does not mean they are any good at creating advertising messages. The content is what serves as keywords to rank well on SERP .

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